Alhamdulillah, we are now able to add more information about Hilyah resellers in Hilyah Reseller List on Hilyah website. Below is an example of information and photos we have updated for HRA Enterprise (reseller with shop in Gombak) and En. Mohd Nazri Chik (reseller in Sungai Buloh), based on information provided.
We encourage resellers to forward to us information and photos that would help customers to know more about you especially photos of your premises/business, Hilyah products in your premises. Please email your information to
If you have any feedback or comments on how we can improve the reseller pages on Hilyah website, please let us know via 016-2885305 or email
Hilyah Team
We encourage resellers to forward to us information and photos that would help customers to know more about you especially photos of your premises/business, Hilyah products in your premises. Please email your information to
If you have any feedback or comments on how we can improve the reseller pages on Hilyah website, please let us know via 016-2885305 or email
Hilyah Team
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