Alhamdulillah, Hilyah promotion for akhir Ramadhan has start. Promotion is valid from today; 29th July until 5th August 2013. Additional of 5% will be given to the existing discount. Maximum discount is 37%.
Please take note that all invoices MUST be settle down before Eid Mubarak. This is to avoid any cash flow and accounts issue.
P/S: We are now have reach the last 10 nights of Ramadhan. May Allah grant us His blessing and forgive us for all of things that we have done. InsyaAllah.
Hilyah Team
Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra. ia berkata : Saya berkata kepada Rasulullah saw. Ya Rasulullah, bagaimana pendapat tuan bila saya mengetahui lailatul qadar,apa yang saya harus baca pada malam itu ? Beliau bersabda : Bacalah ( artinya ) Yaa Allah sesungguhnya Engkau maha pemberi ampun, Engkau suka kepada keampunan maka ampunilah daku. (H.R : At-Tirmidzi dan Ahmad )
Alhamdulillah, Hilyah promotion for akhir Ramadhan has start. Promotion is valid from today; 29th July until 5th August 2013. Additional of 5% will be given to the existing discount. Maximum discount is 37%.
Please take note that all invoices MUST be settle down before Eid Mubarak. This is to avoid any cash flow and accounts issue.
P/S: We are now have reach the last 10 nights of Ramadhan. May Allah grant us His blessing and forgive us for all of things that we have done. InsyaAllah.
Hilyah Team
Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra. ia berkata : Saya berkata kepada Rasulullah saw. Ya Rasulullah, bagaimana pendapat tuan bila saya mengetahui lailatul qadar,apa yang saya harus baca pada malam itu ? Beliau bersabda : Bacalah ( artinya ) Yaa Allah sesungguhnya Engkau maha pemberi ampun, Engkau suka kepada keampunan maka ampunilah daku. (H.R : At-Tirmidzi dan Ahmad )
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